Monday, January 3, 2011

Thank you Rapunzel.

Like so many nights before, we marched up the stairs, counted 1-2-3 before turning off the lights, and I proceeded to tuck them in..."snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug".

Then, I headed to my office for a half hour or so, listening to the sweet sound of her singing (it was Rudolph tonight), and his books dropping to the floor one by one. When the background noise had ceased, and the house seemed to settle, I headed back into their rooms for a kiss goodnight.

Tonight, you were waiting for me. I pulled the covers back in place and tucked you in again.

Momma, What was your favorite part today?

Hmmm. I had so many. I'm going to say my favorite part of the day was sharing cookies with you, Kate.

"My favorite part was snuggling with you. (pause and hugs). Mom?

Yes, Kate.

The girl in Tangled...what was her name?


Yea, Rapunzel. Her Mommy was mean. You're not a mean Mommy. You're a good Mommy.

There is a saying, "People may not always remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

Tonight, with a few simple words, you warmed my heart and made me feel like the luckiest Mom in the world. Tonight, I will remember both.

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