Sunday, March 8, 2009

Human Anatomy

You all must know this is not the post I had intentions of sharing tonight. However, as I sat here in bed typing a story of "friendship realized", a sweet story of Katie acknowledging her first "best friend" and all it meant to be declared as such, the conversation I overheard from the bathroom down the hall left me cupping my mouth in laughter with one hand and hitting Delete on my sweet story with the other.

So, before I share the conversation, what you need to know is that "Daddy" just came home from a Trade Show in Philly. He has been gone since Friday morning, and the kids were both standing at the door to greet him when he pulled in the drive. They miss him dearly when he is away. Therefore, it was no surprise that at Kate's request, it would be "Daddy" that put her to bed tonight. So, off they went to the bathroom to change her into her pull-up and brush her teeth. And with that said, I share the conversation that followed with you...

Kate: Daddy (pause), you have a penis?

Daddy: Uh (pause), yes, I do.

Kate: Yes. Mommy has a hoo-ha.

Daddy: Um.

Kate: I have a hoo-ha, too.

Daddy: Um (pause), yes. You just figured that out, huh?

I was in hysterics from the first question out of Kate's mouth. So simple, yet so complicated.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That's funny! Jonah hasn't started pointing out parts yet. He just acknowledges that I am a girl and he and Daddy are boys! :)


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