Friday, May 1, 2009


"Why, Mommy? Why?" Who knew a three year old and a three letter word could be so mind boggling. This past week, Katie has been looking for reasoning...and lots of it. Every explanation follows with yet another inquiry, why? Here are some of her most recent subjects of discussion...

Why do you have to go to work, Mommy? Why?

Why is it raining?

Why is Daddy at the beach?

Why do I have to go to sleep?

Why are the worms long?

Why are the ants here?

Why did you hang the flowers Mommy?

Why is GrandMoms deck broken?

As mentioned above, each question follows with a handful of "whys?" until she is finally satisfied. I am really going to be in trouble when she realizes I am making most of this stuff up. Help!

1 comment:

  1. Jonah has also hit the "why" phase and everything statement we make is followed by this three letter word! I've become my mother and resorted to responding with "because it is" because I've run out of reasons why!


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