Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life's A Beach

For the last several days we have been enjoying the sandy beaches of Ocean City, Maryland. After all Conor's tests and the emotional roller coaster that has been the last few weeks, it was a welcomed vacation filled with family, friends, and much relaxation.

Kate and Cousin Antonio were all dressed and ready for the pool! Kate wore her floaties for the first time, and began the first of many swim lessons. Had I known a little swim would wipe her out, I would have taken her swimming months ago. Although not shown here, we were all quite impressed with her Daddy's hand stands. That Daddy is so talented.

Conor scoped the beach for the perfect wave, and then made his move! This kid couldn't get enough of the water! I believe we have a little beach bum on our hands.

Watch out I come!

Katie wasn't as keen on the water as her little bro. Instead, she spent the afternoon chasing seagulls. Here seagull, seagull, seagull...

Mr Eric spent the day building a fun sand castle for the kids. Everyone enjoyed it until the random woman and her two kids decided to destroy the castle with a bellyflop. Yes, believe it!
I am never surprised by the nerve of some people.

We ended our beach day with some cold Margaritas and ice cream, enjoying the salty air and summer breeze. It was the perfect end to a much needed family week at the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I'm so jealous :) I really want to go on vacation to the beach!


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