Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Skype is Hype Yo

As I type this post tonight, my husband is curiously standing behind me insisting "hype" is not a word. So, before we go any further, I feel the need to state "hype" is defined in the urban dictionary as a fad. A clever marketing strategy which a product is advertized as the thing everyone must have. Where did he grow up again? How old is he? Ha.

Ok. Back to me. I have shared before on how my husband and I live more than an hour from most of our family and friends, and how technologies, such as this blog, have helped to shorten the distance and keep all updated on the funnies in our little world.

This though, I may not have yet shared. Let me be clear. I am NOT (catch the stress on that?) good with technology. I cannot figure out our new cell phones, our satellite television makes me crazy, and a bluetooth...well, let's not go there. Many of you may wonder how this is when I used to manage large software installations for a well known company. Let me quickly clarify. I managed the software implementation projects. I didn't install them.

Now knowing of my lack of interest (and skills) in technology, this may surprise you....I love skype!

While others may have known about this little treasure for quite some time, I have absolutely fallen off my chair for the ability to chat with friends and family back in Texas via my laptop. And the kids? Katie loves it. She waves her hand at Mom Mom, and says to all her friends, "I saw Mom Mom on the computer." Yes, I am equally thrilled.

However, today, during one of our chats, my mother said, "You look tired". "Nice brows, but you look tired." For a quick second, I thought the same wonderful element of skype- the video- could also be my biggest nemesis.

I sat up quickly and offered her a sarcastic, "Thanks, Mom". I had to quickly remind myself she could hear and see me. Uh oh. Could she tell I hadn't brushed my teeth too?

Yes, Skype is hype. The exposure of my daily appearance on the other hand, may not be.

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