Thursday, July 16, 2009

What I have learned from watching my children

This last week has been...well...exhausting! Amidst all the stressful doctors appointments, late nights at the computer, and trying to hold down my day job, I found a few moments to learn from my children and some very dear family friends.

Lesson 1: Walk into a room full of strangers with full confidence and introduce yourself. You may just come out with a smile (and a lollipop).

    This week was Kate's first week of dance class. She let go of my hand, walked in the studio, and sat down on the floor awaiting instruction. I was not prepared for a solo so soon. Sniffle, sniffle.

Lesson 2: Surround yourself with the things you love. Be it flips flops, Tinkerbell's shoe, a favorite blankie or other.
Go with what makes you happy! These are the things Conor literally can't live without.

Lesson 3: Be patient. Sometimes the best memories come when you least expect them.

    Gotta love this picture. One of dearest friends and I were enjoying a beautiful Sunday morning with some good conversation. Then, her husband turned our beautiful Sunday morning into the perfect Sunday morning...complete with our own cabana boy!

Lesson 4: Dance like nobody's watching...naked!

For obvious reasons, there is not a picture to accompany this post. You're just going to have to trust me on this one (wink, wink).

Lesson 5: Friends are family

    The Lisicki kids, Kate, and Conor enjoying a little East Coast pizza. There is something about folding a piece in half that makes it so good! Yum!

Lesson 6: Sometimes crying does get you what you want.

Again, no picture. Poor little Conor has had a week full of doctor's appointments, xrays, and blood draws. If one thing is true, the slightest whimper from my little guy this week has landed him snuggled in my arms.

Lesson 7: Love the ones your with

Lesson 8: Dogs are a man's (and Kate's) best friend

Even though she has a brother, our 90 pound (clinically labeled - obese) Lab is her favorite playmate. Looking at the expression on his face, I think he feels the same.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Give me a call sometime this week or next. What happened to Conor?


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