Sunday, November 8, 2009

No place like home

This post isn't funny. Just recorded to remind myself that as hard as it is to leave sometimes, I always cherish the homecoming. Each time I am reminded of the blessings I have been given in life, and know I am a lucky girl.

One cold, Fall evening, after a busy week in Chicago, one WAHM was anxious to get home to her family. I landed at the airport, walked swiftly to my car, and followed the dark interstate one hour towards home. They really do need to consider lighting on the Interstate (see below).

When I arrived, I dropped my belongings at the door and headed upstairs to get a peak of my little angels before snuggling in bed myself. First, I went to my youngest. He was on his stomach, knees tucked under his belly, breathing in a soft rhythm. As I pulled the covers up over his rear to tuck him in, he let out a small sigh. I whispered an "I love you" and quielty walked out of the room. Just like my trip three weeks ago, I felt he looked bigger.
Next, I went to Kate. When I saw her covers pulled back and empty, I knew immediately where she was. I headed down to the end of the hallway towards our bedroom, and found this...

She had made her way into our bed, and was sprawled out next to her Daddy...sound asleep. I couldn't resist capturing the moment.

I lifted her from her slumber, relocated her to her room, pulled the covers up tight, and left a kiss on her cheek. I then climbed into bed taking her place next to Daddy.
It's so good to be home.

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