Thursday, June 18, 2009

I've been called worse

She's three. Sigh... Well, not quite. She turns three in two weeks. Still, I brace myself for the adolescent years ahead. As we sat around the kitchen table tonight, I heard the following from my not-quite three year old.

Kate: You're not my favorite girl, Mommy. You're not nice.

Mom: I'm not, huh? Why am I not nice?

Kate: You yell at me, Mommy. You're mean. Daddy is my favorite girl.

Mom (Wiping the water that has spewed out of my mouth and across the table from laughter): Well, I guess have been called worse.

Dad: Me too.

1 comment:

  1. LOL...Jonah tells me all the time that Josh is his favorite and now when I yell at Jonah (which isn't very often) or get frustrated over anything he starts singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to me like I'm some kind of crazy woman that he has to calm down. Then he says "Does that make you happy Mommy". I just envision him telling this to his therapist when he's a teenager! Heh!


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