Monday, August 3, 2009

I am Tree years old!

Kate: I am tree years old, Mommy. Tree years old!

Mom: Sigh...yes, you are three years old, Dear. Such a BIG girl.

Kate: Yes, I am a big girl. Tree years old. Mommy, can I wear panties to bed?

When she took her first steps at nine months, her Daddy and I were so proud. At eighteen months, she moved into her new room and "big girl' bed without issue, and at two years we were elated that she was potty trained! No more diapers! So, why was it so hard for me to accept this latest milestone?

Most would jump for joy at the mere thought of the money savings for doing away with pull ups. Yet, I, could only sit, smile, and stare at her for what seemed like an eternity. For the long minute that passed between the question and my answer, future visions passed through my mind of her first day at school, first ride on the bus, first sleepover, first lost tooth, first date, first time driving alone, and so on. When did our time start passing so quickly?

Then, my little Tinker princess gently grabbed a hold of my chin, reminding me that she was still there...Mommy, I want to wear panties to bed. Can I?

Mom: You sure can, Dear. You are a BIG girl. Three years old!

With that, our little one was tucked snug in her her panties.

No accidents last night. Only a proud little three year old who was anxious to share her latest accomplishment come morning!

Kate: Mommy, my panties are dry! I did it!

I am so proud, but may need additional support when she starts pre-school in September. Boo Hoo...

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