Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fruggie Fannie

If you read this blog regularly, you will know I returned home to my brood from a business trip late Friday, and spent most of the day Sunday in the ER with Kate.

You may also remember a post from a few months ago...I may have developed a little addiction...which referenced my new found love for saving money. For those of you who are curious, please allow me to share my latest savings with you from my bi-monthly shopping trip on Saturday...It is quite exciting!

Below are just a few of my receipts from Saturday. You are reading correct...$863 in grocery retail for just $290!

Feel inspired?

Step 1: Cut coupons! I cut them from the Sunday paper, and The dollar coupons are my favorite, because the grocery store I go to doubles them! But, beware of the expiration dates. The Californians who read this need not worry. No expiration dates for you!

Step 2: Read the circular
The circular will highlight all the specials for the week and any promotions or rebates that will give you money back. Um...yes please!

Step 3: Shop! This is the easy part. Please note: Don't go shopping hungry! Pack snacks in your purse. It is an all day event, and if you don't have snacks, you may find yourself buying things you don't have coupons for!

Step 4: Get giddy over your savings! This is my favorite part of the day! Seeing all the money I have saved, knowing I don't have to grocery shop (outside of milk, eggs, and produce) for two months, and that my spending has gone towards UPromise points for the kids college! Indeed worth smiling about!

So, go, go, go...go out and start collecting coupons. The savings can go towards anything you extra mortgage payment, special vacation, new lawn tractor (love you honey!) name it! It is positively addicting!

Yes, according to our daughter...Mommy is "a Fruggie Fannie". According to me, I am a self-titled Nerd...and proud of it!

Happy Saving!

1 comment:

  1. This is totally amazing! And the picture of your car with the coolers is inspiring - but how long does it take you to carry it all into the house? And are you saying that CA stores don't care about the expiration dates on coupons? So I have been throwing away expired coupons for nothing?

    So sorry to read about Kate's arm, and I hope it's feeling better now. So sad. You are brave too, for being able to watch and not freak her out. I'm dreading Emi's next doctor's appt where she'll get her first shots :-(
    Hope everything else is good with you and the family!


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