Thursday, June 3, 2010

You get that from your Father

Nine months ago, you picked out your favorite Princess dress, grabbed your backpack, and simply waved goodbye as you made your way to a table full of new faces. Since that day, you have grown leaps and bounds. You recite a prayer before our evening meal, say the pledge of allegiance with pride, and write your name in such a fancy way...

It goes something like this...

Big K.

then Little a... A circle with a little leg.

Little t...Just like the cross, Mama.

Little i.

Little e...You start at the bottom and go around like a circle...and then poke it in the belly!
Today, your first year of pre-school is over and in just one will turn Four. As we drove home from the park, I was thinking about the year passed and took a wrong turn. It was no surprise to you, because even at the age of four, you know that I am directionally challenged. But, what followed next made both of us break into laughter.

Kate: Mom, Did you take a wrong turn, again?
Mom: Yes, Kate. But, I will find my way.

Kate: Does Daddy need to come help us again?

Mom: Um, no. I am just fine, Kate. You don't think Mommy can find her way?

Kate (laughing hysterically): No, Mama.

Just four years old, and already exercising her Dad's sense of humor. Sheesh.

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