Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Aunt Patty is Naked!"

If you are a child of the seventies or early eighties, you can appreciate the humor in this picture. Remember those classic air brushed shirts you could find at any beach store from coast to coast? The oversized ones that had a picture of the toned and tanned air brushed bods with big boobs? Well, this is a picture of my sister-in-law, Pat, wearing one as she is pulling something out of the fridge. According to our oldest (who is 2.5), this kind of shirt is not humorous at all. In fact, when seeing it, her mouth dropped and she yelled, "Aunt Patty is naked!" Sorry, Pat. Not sure it was the shirt or the thought of you being naked that appalled her the most. Her response was as classic as the beach shirt itself!

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny! I love this age and the things that come out of their mouths!


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