Friday, January 23, 2009

One step, two step, three step, NO!....

I have to say we are lucky. Our oldest encourages and loves on her brother so wonderfully. In fact, some days it is as if she thinks we had him for her. Having said that, her claps of joy and shouts of, "Good job, Conor!" are fairly frequent around here. So, today, I thought nothing of it. She is shrieking, "Go, Conor, go!" (probably because of the endless Diego cartoons that play 24/7). She was laughing, clapping and jumping up and down. I was at the sink washing dishes, and broke a smile at the thought of how close they are. Then, came the ever so familiar, "Look at Conor, Mommy" that usually follows. What I wasn't expecting was what came next..."He is climbing up the stairs!" This is when my heart skipped a beat, and dish bubbles came flying out of the sink. It is amazing how fast you can move when you are in a state of panic!

Thankfully, she is a talker and I caught him on the first few steps. The camera was in reach, so I had to catch a picture of his attempt at mischief. Look at that face! It's as if he was saying, "Look at me, Mom!" Too cute and sooo bad!

The picture below is a bonus for our beloved Uncle B-Rad. Courtesy of B-Rad Fashions...

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