Sunday, September 6, 2009

I am stuck on Band Aid brand

With Kate starting school next week, and Conor coming up on seventeen months, I was feeling pretty good. Pretty good in a sense that having two kids so young and close in age is starting to get easy. Not enough to do this a third time...but, pretty good. I just might survive this after all.

So, yesterday, on our nice leisurely Saturday, I put them both down for their naps and joined my hubby in the garage to begin the task of organizing for the upcoming winter months. After all, it is "Labor Day" weekend, and we have been putting this labor off for months.

About an hour into their nap, I headed upstairs, and decided to just peek in on my little angels in their slumber. I opened the bedroom door to the eldest angel...

Mom: Katie? What are you doing?

Kate: Nothing.

Mom (Glancing towards the end table and...oh...a mound of paper adhesives from thirty plus Band Aids): Kate, what did you do?

Kate: I put a Band Aid on.

Rounding the corner of the bed, this is what I found.

I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or scold her.

You know that commercial jingle from the eighties..."I am stuck on Band Aid brand cause Band Aids stuck on me!" Yeah, I get it. This kid had twenty-five Band Aids "stuck on" her.

Today I learned two things:
1. My three year old's naps may be becoming a thing of the past.
2. I need to put the Band Aids on a higher shelf.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!. the first time I put a band aid on Lolas finger she stared at it for 45mins. Do they know how funny they are (without even trying!) today peter put beer in the fridge and put the box on the floor and she stood in it and said 'look im beer' too funny!
    Cant wait to meet your kids, hopefully soon!


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