Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thank you

Last week, I shared a story about a wonderful young woman I had met, and how she has taught me to believe like there are endless possibilities.

Yesterday, my oldest and I went Pink. We participated in a Breast Cancer walk. I was dressed in my best sweats and ball cap, while she adorned her first pair of pants since April (she routinely fights for dresses) and her Pink Princess umbrella. With Kate snug in the stroller, we set out in the misty rain, for three miles up and down the crooked streets of our small town...down Main Street, past the High School (yes, I said "the" High School), and through the bus depot, with one, strong woman leading us the entire way.

Little Kate and I wore our pink ribbons, and played "I spy with my little eye" the entire time. We waved happily at each passer by who honked either in encouragement or disbelief at our massive "Pink" group walking in the rain. We concluded the effort at the gymnasium of a local church, and filled our hungry bellies with charitable sandwiches and chocolate covered treats...all monies going to the cause. When they drew winning raffle tickets, little Kate's number was called. She was so excited when they called her name for a "prize", her half eaten turkey and cheese took flight into the bleachers. And, she stole the crowd when they offered her a prize choice of Jewelry, a Day at the Salon, or Bread (Panera)...she quickly chose the bread. What?

Note to self...teach rock, paper, scissors...scissors beats paper...
Jewelry, Salon, Bread...Salon beats Bread.

The crowd got a good laugh out of her excitement, and me a high five from my lucky little one.

I am not sure if it was the chocolate covered treats, winning the prize of "Bread", or just spending the morning with Mom (one can dream), but when asked if she had fun, she responded, "Yes, I want to do it again!"

Saturday, we walked for my new friend, and others I have come to learn have met the fate of this disease. We believe in the possibility of a cure, and will walk again and again if it means we could possibly save a life.

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