Sunday, March 14, 2010

I did it...even though I didn't want to

Last week when I picked Little Kate up from Ms. Marci's, she asked me, "Mom, Can I have a sleepover with Richie?".
Excuse me? I replied.
A sleepover...with Richie...can I have one...pleeeeaaaase? she repeated.

Yep. I heard her right. A sleepover...with a boy...Oy vey. I'm so not ready. "We'll talk about it," I said.

And, talk about it we did. On Sunday, she picked out the jammies she wanted to wear. On Monday, she decided what toys she would bring, and declared that she had to take Minnie. On Wednesday, while in Chicago, she reminded me that she had to pack her sleeping bag. And on Friday, the movie event was decided...Lady and the Tramp. She was so excited! She jumped, she smiled, she sang. She was having a sleepover.

Despite our conversation, on multiple occasions, I hadn't made up my mind. I just wasn't ready. So, I did what I do with every big decision I have to make...I make a Pros and Cons list. It's simple, visual, and it works. I share my list with you...

Clearly, the pros outweighed the cons, all of which were selfish on my part. After all, I remember my first sleepover, who it was with, where I slept (or in this case didn't), and how quiet the car ride home with my Father was in the front seat of a Montecarlo in the middle of the night. The truth was, my parents were there for me when I didn't make it, just like I would be for young Kate. So, I did it. I packed her sleeping bag, pillow, Minnie, jammies, and toys, and took her down the street to the neighbors for her very first sleepover...with a boy.

Two days have now past, and she is still "talking" about it. They....

Enjoyed ice cream and a movie on the couch.

And kept eachother entertained with tales of Princesses and Transformers...for hours...

While I was restless, and lost a lot of sleep. She did fine. The morning came without issue. No calls in the middle of the night. No tears. No I missed yous. Just lots of fun talk, and a little reminder that as a parent, sometimes we will have to let them do things even though we (okay, I) don't want to.

The rest is up to them...knowing we will be here...if they call.

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