Monday, March 1, 2010

Only in Texas

We drove an hour to the airport, checked six items, and headed through security to board the four hour flight to San Antonio. It was the first time little Kate would be flying without a car seat on the plane, and the last time the Con-man would be flying on my lap for free.

The kids were so excited, watching the airplanes and choo choo cars through the windows. Kate kept singing, "Yippy Yay Yo, Texas, here we come!", and Conor yelled, "Woah!" at each airplane that passed by.

Being a native Texan, I know everything is bigger in Texas. However, in the ten years I have been gone, I am certain things have only gotten BIGGER. We wanted to take the kids somewhere for a couple of hours, and my parents suggested a place called Bass Pro Shops. I had never been, but liked the idea because one, it was free (and I like FREE), and two, Mom said they had fish (Conor's favorite).

For those of you who know Bass Pro, you know what I am about to share with you. For those of you who don't...may I let the pictures explain.

The entry stopped me in my boots. The place was massive! It must have been over 200,000 square feet, with two floors, and more stuffed and mounted animals than I had ever seen in my life! Of course, we found the fish tank first. It was an entire floor in height, and had a glass sided elevator that rose out of it to the second floor above. These weren't exactly the fish I was expecting. They were half the size of Conor and hungry.

Then, we headed upstairs to the ATVs and game room. Know that the word "game" in this sentence is not in reference to Monopoly.

Conor immediately recognized the lions, and made an attempt at communication.

We ended the tour at the indoor shooting range. It must be in my blood, because I was quickly addicted. I told Joe he could take me to dinner and Bass Pro any night, and it would be the perfect date. For a few dollars, we all had a blast!

The fact that we could walk into a retail store and be entertained for two hours without buying anything was amazing. Things have certainly gotten bigger in TEXAS.

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