Thursday, April 29, 2010

Don't judge a banana by it's peel

Since bananas are a cheap and convenient dose of potassium, I typically always have them in the house, and send them in the kids lunches often. Only, lately, the kids have been boycotting them. I sent them two days in a row recently, only to have them returned both days.

So, last night, it hit me. I love a good steak, but I can't eat it every day. So, too, do the kids feel about bananas. For those of you who know me, I wasn't about to throw them away. Even after Katie had wrinkled her nose in disgust, claiming they were "yuckie and black".

So, I did what any Mom would do. I made up a moral story out of the three little bananas that nobody wanted to eat, and then threw them into the blender with some milk, ice, and a dash of vanilla creamer (nice suggestion, Daddy). These bananas, I explained, were special. They were meant for making banana shakes....the BEST banana shakes (wink, wink).
Katie still didn't looked convinced.

So, I dropped three straws in the glass, showing her that her brother and I too were going to enjoy the BEST banana treat. She used one breath to suck the shake up the straw, and when she came up for air...she looked amazed.....This is so good, Mommy!

And another...Sluuurrrppp...I love this ice cream!

One more time...Sluuurrrppp...These bananas are the BEST! Can we buy the black ones again?
Hit me again...Sluuurrrppp...You make the best shakes, Mom!

Uh huh. This was fun to watch. My job here is done.

Friday, April 23, 2010

To my favorite Taurus

We have a little secret, Dad.
It made us laugh.

It made us focus.

It made us smile!

Happy Birthday, Daddy! We love you!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Untitled post: A reminder from Chi-town

Hi Kiddos,

I peeked on you briefly before sneaking out of the house this morning. I could brush my fingers through your hair and across your cheeks for hours. I love to watch you sleep. You are so peaceful. Like angels.

But, tonight, I rest my head in Chicago with only sweet dreams of you.

This trip, I decided to lay low in the city. After a long day at work, I chose to retreat to my hotel room overlooking the Chicago River, sit in a big comfy chair, admire the beauty of Navy Pier, and smile at the thought of what the two of you must be doing.
Your beds are probably unmade, with today's clothes still laying on the floor, scattered where you dropped them in pursuit of the bath. I am sure damp towels lie on the bathroom floor, and colors collected in small piles across the kitchen counter next to the empty lunch boxes from the day at Ms Marci's. The two of you are probably hiding under blanketed forts, in mismatched jammies, laughing to the mischief of Looney Tunes, and begging for just one more cookie...again.

I smile at the thought of you enjoying this time with your Dad, and ask you to cherish it.

Now, go clean up your room. Mommy will be home tomorrow.
I love you. Mom

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lessons from a puppy

Lesson 1: Find a best friend for life and don't let go!

Lesson 2: Looking adorable will get you a long way.

Lesson 3: Feather down beds are the best.

Lesson 4: A lazy afternoon with a good pal never gets old.

Lesson 5: If you find a sucker of a toddler, no mess will ever be your fault.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Princesses are cool. Moms are not.

This weekend, we dressed little Kate up as Snow White, from the black headband down to the red sparkle shoes (ok, I know Snow White doesn't wear red sparkle shoes...), and loaded her and four of her dearest friends into the car for a day with the Princesses at Disney on Ice.
This is our third year attending, and the time she enjoyed herself the most! In fact, I would say watching her interact with the show was totally worth the $12 plastic cup with nasty Snow Cone I still can't believe I purchased.

She was so excited when we got home that I continued the Princess music for her Dad, so she could show him how the Princesses skated at the show. We all know how much I love music and dance, so I couldn't help but join in myself...

Kate stopped, cocked her head to the side, and said..."Mom. I lloooooovvvveee the Princesses. But, I do not like when you shake your booty."

We all busted out in laughter together. I guess I should stick to the chapperoning.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A letter to my son on his second birthday

Dear Conor, Con-Man, Bubba, Bud,

You have changed so much in the last year since I last sat down to write you a letter. It's hard to believe today is your second birthday. Even though you are still very much my baby, I can no longer refer to your age in months or travel on an airplane with you on my lap. As another year passes, I am reminded how precious your youth is.

You are still the same sweet boy, reaching for my hand to lead me across the room, and pull my arm across your lap when we snuggle on the couch. The depth of your soul is so sweet, that something tells me you will be doing these things even when I am old. I am so loved to be your Mother.

You have graduated to a little boy bed, abandoning the need for me to rock you to sleep each night. So, it's these couch snuggle sessions with you that I now cherish. You love to "vroom" your cars around the kitchen in endless circles, and have taken quite the liking to fish, sharks, and well...all things marine. I hope to never forget your reaction to your birthday cake.
You are beginning to gain your independence and grow into your own personality. A personality, that even with a sweet core, is aggressive, determined, and not afraid to vocalize how you feel (even if your vocalization has yet to form words). All traits your Dad is confident will be put to good use in sports one day!

You embrace everyone, stranger or not, and prove that if you smile, the world truly does smile with you. Your smile is infectious!
Your sister remains your best friend, the two of you becoming closer with each passing day. You are her "Buddy", look to her for guidance, and share her laughter when she is silly. It's a beautiful thing for a Mother to watch.

As you left to walk to Ms Marci's this morning, I stood at the door a little longer, and watched you. At just two years old, you are such a little man in the making and I am so proud of you. Happy Birthday, son. I love you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I am rarely spontaneous

Throughout my life, I have always been a planner. When I was in High School, I knew where I wanted to go to College. When I bought my first car, I researched the purchase, and when our first daughter was born, we planned it. So, when I do something Spontaneous, it is rare. While others might get a wild hair to try a new restaurant for dinner, or splurge a little extra on an unplanned purchase, it seems my wild hairs generally require a fair degree of commitment.

Like the day I decided to move out West. I was sitting in the back seat of my brother's Jeep Wrangler, driving North on the 5, holding my hair back in a pony tail with my right hand. I still remember the fresh clean smell of the air. I moved all my belongings within weeks and stayed five years.

The day I decided I wanted to begin dating Joe. He had just arrived home from a wedding in Philly, we were on the front patio of our Apartment Complex in Oceanside, CA, and I told him to sit next to me. That was almost eight years ago.
The birth of our second child. The only thing planned was the accompanying c-section. I have no regrets!

And, latest spontaneous move.
This is Penny. Joe and I went to get fish for the turtle last night, and I decided she had to come home with us. She is nine weeks old, and an Irish Setter (Field Trial).

As with the others...this move felt good.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nature is playing a joke on us...

The temperatures have been mild this week, and as a result we have been leaving the windows cracked at night. We love to wake to the cool, crisp feeling of Spring and the sweet sound of singing birds outside. Only the sound of the ocean is better.
Do you see this little bird? May I introduce you to nature's little comedian.

On Friday night, Joe opened the grill to start dinner, and found this.

We cleaned and scrubbed the grates.

Then, Saturday, he opened the grill again.

Ha Ha.

Last night, Joe thought he would be smarter. He left the grill open.

And, this morning...the joke continues...

I think we will be having Robin for dinner...April Fools.
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